Rewards Holding
3% of each transaction is redistributed to token holders. That means you can earn more Baby Doge Coins by just holding them in your wallet. (centralized exchanges/wallets may not apply tokenomics/redistribution)
Locked Liquidty
We have locked 100% of the total BNB/LDC liquidity pool ($250,204) on Unicrypt platform - One of the best liquidity lock platform on BSC, locking period would be 6 months. Click for more detials Locked Liquidity
Lucky Doge
Simple Rewards Right-In-Your-Wallet!
Lucky Doge is cute but with a lot of BITE! $Lucky Doge is a deflationary token designed to become more scarce over time. All holders of Lucky Doge will earn more Lucky Doge that is automatically sent to your wallet by simply holding Lucky Doge coins in your wallet. Watch the amount of Lucky Doge grow in your wallet as all holders automatically receive a 3% fee from every transaction that happens on the Lucky Doge network. The community receives more Lucky Doge coins from the fees generated each transaction.
Daily airdrop weight in the optimised holding range will be multiplied by 2Best holding range (calculated by market value) -Phase 1: 0-10 million 0.1%-0.2% -Phase 2: 10 million-100 million 0.05%-0.1% -Phase 3: 100 million-1 billion 0.025%-0.05% -Phase 4: 1 billion-10 billion 0.0125%-0.025% Each time a valid user is activated, the weight will increase by 100%, and the cap will be 700%, overall cap is 500%. The behavior standard for activating valid users is to transfer 105,555 tokens or more to a new address.
Our Documents
You can find links to our official white paper and independent audit below
Lucky Map
Our Yeilds Brings Ya Right To Da MOON
Hours Of Mooning
Hard Working Geeks